Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Akedat Yisshak

As we make our way from Rosh HaShanah - when we read Akedat Yisshak from the Torah, to Yom Kippur - when the Akedah took place, I thought it appropriate to dedicate some time to reanalyzing that episode.

1) Listen to a class during which we textually analyzed the Torah's text in order to understand its ethical implications, here. Follow along with the source sheet here.

2) Listen to a class during which we analyzed HaRambam's understanding of the Akedah, based on several passages in his Moreh Nevukhimhere. Follow along with the source sheet here.

3) Read my written divrei Torah for VaYera 2015 and Shemot 2017 - both relevant to the Akedah.

4) As you might expect, there has been a lot of good stuff written on the Akedah. I have chosen several pieces that I have enjoyed, each from a different genre of Torah analysis:

a) Read R. Yitzchak Ethshalom's textual analysis of the Akedah, in his Between the Lines of the Bible: Genesis, here.

b) Read Rav Shagar's analysis of the midrashim related to the Akedah, in his Faith Shattered and Restored: Judaism in the Postmodern Age, here.

c) Read Kenneth Seeskin's philosophical summary and brief analysis of the Akedah, in his Thinking About the Torah: A Philosopher Reads the Bible, here.

d) Read Rav Soloveitchik's homiletic analysis of the Akedah, in his Abraham's Journey: Reflections on the Life of the Founding Patriarch, here.